Friday, October 31, 2008

My own derailment

I have all the tools a gym right by my door like literally i walk out my door down my stairs turn right take one step and I am in our gym like how lame am i how LAZY can one be. I dont have an excuse I am done making excuses abt anything because I am driving this train and I am the one who keeps derailing this. I think I now know how easy it is to go mad. I feel like I am going mad. WELL Novemebr is my month many many changes in my diet and exercise to come.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weight Loss

is it really posible to plateau so soon lol who am i kidding I have been lazy and that is why I have plateaued but its really time to make a change. I pledge to make the change and I am going to start by going to bed as soon as I am done with this post.

starting Weight....220lbs

Self challenge: exercise everyday now matter how many mins I do.

self challege evaluation Nov 20th 29th bday!!!