Saturday, April 25, 2009

secrets of a fellow sparker.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have no secrets. To lose the weight and to become fit, you already know what to do. You've heard it ALL before and I'm going to run it down for you again.

1. Time to change. Make your mind up once and for all that you are ready and will focus on becoming a better and healthier you. This starts in your brain. You have to want to change in order to become successful. Keep on doing the same 'ole stuff you're doing and you will keep on getting the same 'ole results you keep on getting!

2. Get serious and come up with a plan. And when I say that I mean you should be at a point where you are sick and tired of being big and out of shape. Making up a plan isn't hard at all. What you should do first is look at the way you're eating. You know what's good and you know what's bad. It's just like knowing right from wrong. You can be good to yourself by doing the right things for yourself.

3. Fitness is GOLD. As a beginner you're most likely not going to know where to start so what can do is buy a beginner cardio workout DVD and do that while researching a program that is right for you. There are loads of teams here on the Spark and when you find the right one for you then get to it. You can do several programs at a time, whatever makes you happy.

4. Push yourself/Motivation. You must stay on track...eating and working out wise. When you don't, you only fail yourself.

5. Make the most out of your workout. Each time you go to work out, make every minute count and push yourself further and further each time you workout. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

6. Educate yourself. Refer to fitness books, websites, teams on Spark, etc. to get information to improve yourself. Learn about the different muscle groups, learn about nutrition amongst other things. It's fun to do and you're learning at the same time.

7. Track your progress. Yes, write down everything you eat and count calories. Some people say not to count calories, but I say do it because in order to lose weight you need to know how many calories are going in and how many you need to burn. So if you know how many calories you are consuming you will know how many to burn off. Also track your fitness and numbers so that you will know what you did last time and how far to push yourself the next time. If you run into a problem, let's say a "plateau", how will you be able to go back to see what you've been doing all this time to remedy the problem? You must know what you're putting into your body, how you're feeling everyday, know what exercises you are doing, how much weight you are lifting, etc. because you will need to make adjustments to your overall program as you become more fit and stronger. It only makes sense.

8. Not a gym person? I'm not either. I have a home gym and it's quite small, most of my equipment is used and it could be better, but it's mine. People say they don't have space for this and that? Well, I think it's time for a little spring cleaning EARLY. Get rid of the junk and clutter out of your house and either put it up for sale on or give it away on or sell it on Ebay to make room for the rest of your life.

What things should you have in your home gym when you don't have a lot of space? A small stationary bike for cardio, a compact (folding incline) work bench, dumbbells (different weights) and small rack, a full size mirror you can hang on the wall (to watch your form), workout gloves, stability ball, workout mat, a stop watch, a radio (an MP3 player is better) and a tv/dvd player near by and workout DVDs, reference books and inspiration pictures/collage. Some optional stuff can be a medicine ball, a heart rate monitor, resistance bands (if you don't want to use weights, but sometimes you will want to alternate), a step, a poster of the muscles groups, in the body, sculpting bar, barbell, a treadmill or elliptical machine.

9. Effective Cardio Exercises: Jumping Jacks, Jump Rope, Running and Swimming because they are all high intensity and it uses your weight in order to get your heart rate up. These exercises are more effective than using a stationary bike or an elliptical machine. You want to move your lower and upper body in order to burn more calories.

10. What do you eat? Well, you need at least three servings of protein, two to three servings of fruit, two the three servings of dairy or veggies at least two to three servings of fiber in your diet per day. Limit your fat and sugar intake. Keep yourself hydrated with water, green tea, zero calorie Gatorade (or any other brand) or sweeten with Splenda if you don't like plain water. You know right from wrong. ;) If you're having a problem figuring out what to eat then find a successful person on the spark and check out their nutrition tracker to get ideas. I do it all the ti

The unknown and the untried have held more people back than any lack of ability. Most victories are never seen by anyone because they’re never attempted. The courage to face your fears can build momentum that creates magic. Each time you overcome an obstacle, a fear or a step back, you gain confidence. Every small victory helps you feel more sure of yourself and your direction, pushing you further and faster than you ever thought possible. You can do it! What’s holding you back? True, fears are intimidating. So start small. Believe in yourself and take one small swipe at your fear today just to see what happens. If you can’t talk yourself past the “point of no return”, get a friend to help. In the end, half of the doing is in the deciding. If you stumble, don’t be afraid to brush yourself off and jump back in.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Big Plan ... is a life style change!

1. Healthy eating
2. Healthy exercise
3. Healthy attitude
4. Healthy karma
5. Healthy soul
5. Writing daily on her online blog