Sunday, February 27, 2011


Power2Lose Program

One size does not fit all.

Drink water to lose weight: Don't drink soda, caffeinated drinks, and sweetened fruit juices and beverages. Instead, drink plenty of water in its place, at least 8 glasses per day.
Avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
Eat less meat: Minimize the amount of animal protein you eat to less than 10% of all protein consumed.
Engage in some form of regular exercise and physical activity. Knowing how many calories you need to lose weight may be helpful here. There are many enjoyable activities that can serve as exercises to lose weight. Do not eat large meals late in the day
Avoid white processed foods, such as pasta, breads, rice, cereals, and white (especially French fried) potatoes. Also, avoid processed foods containing Corn Syrup.
Eat a large percentage of fresh fruits and green vegetables every day. These are foods that help you lose weight!
Eat mostly whole unprocessed foods, and eat them raw if possible. Organic is better than not.
Avoid acid forming foods, such as fried foods, meats, and fast foods.
Use healthy diets: Don't do crash or fad diets with chemicals and supplements that can speed your metabolism, alter your moods, and throw your body way out of its natural rhythm.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Starting over again.....:)

I met with a personal trainer today and he kicked my butt, wow. I am ready for the challenge now inspired by all my spark peeps, someday i hope to meet some of them. I know I can do this, God grant me the strength to be able to win the battle of the bulge. I will try and blog about what I am going through on a daily basis.