Friday, January 7, 2011

Weight loss trials and few tribulations (1) actually

This blog is supposed to be about weight loss. I lost weight in 2007-2008 and maintained it. Part of my success was attributed to an illness I was unaware of, a symptom of my weight loss if you may. I was told that I had gallstones, which was why every time I ate I was in so much pain, especially after indulging in anything that had fat ergo the loss of more weight. I learned what foods to avoid which was pretty much a lot of foods except all the healthy stuff. I had decided that I was going to live with my stones and just adapt to a new way of life in terms of what I ate and drink, great plan right emmmm no so much. I was pretty much in pain all the time after a certain point so much so that drinking H2O was proving impossible. Within a week I met with a surgeon and made an appointment, 1 week, after all the resistance I had put up.

On a crisp Friday afternoon the surgery was done and in 2 hrs I left the hospital, to go home, this was the beginning of my downward spiral, and the regaining of all the weight I had lost 35 lbs to be exact . All the horror stories I had read, on the different websites and blogs that everyone else had written and talked about did not apply to me at all. The worst thing that happened to me and still happens now but not with as much frequency is gas pains when I eat a high fat meals or processed foods. I gained all the weight back faster than I had lost it, (6 months to gain it took over a year to lose). My Cholecystectomy  (a fancy name for gall bladder removal) was like a license to eat whatever I wanted, and why not? I did not have any of the horrible side effects experienced by so many so why not?

I really regret the way that I handled this. I gained back the 35 lbs and 10 more for good measure. I am now at an all time highest weight of 260 lbs and I am holding steady. I can't take this anymore, I am DONE, I am tired, and I am sick and tired. Enough is enough, why is it so hard to just simply snap out of it and just fix my life.

With Christ anything I put my mind to is possible.So I am going to start by putting may faith in Christ alone for everything in my life. I pray for healing in all areas of my life, I am really doing my 3 lovely children a disservice by the way that I handle my affairs. I need to just do it, I am tired of disappointing my kids and my family, I just need to be a better parent, mom, daughter, sister, employee, student and friend.