Saturday, January 21, 2017

A few days late!!

So it's been a week and I know I promised myself that I was going to blog more. It's been an eventful week I did good when I was going to work I woke up everyday at 4 a.m. and went to exercise. I prepared meals and I took them to work.

When I worked out the first time, at 4 am I felt good, the next day I was weak and I wanted to get off the elliptical but I told myself that I always give up and make excuses and this time it's going to be different. I stayed on the elliptical for the full 30 minutes and did five minutes of cooling down. I did the same the next day, I woke up at 4am and went to the gym.

My days off however are a different story because it's hard for me to go to sleep and so I was up until 2 to 3 a.m. on both days and slept until 12 p.m. those days. I realize I have to fix this, but I guess when I know I'm not going to work I just don't make the effort to go to bed early. I would like every day of my life to be perfect but I know there's no such thing especially when you have three children, life happens. I'm going to go to bed early today hopefully by 10 pm so I can wake up and go to the gym before I go to work. I work for the next 3 days 3 12 hour shifts so we'll see what happens and then I'm going to be off for 6 days hopefully I can get into better habits in those days off and not sleep my life away.

I have also prepared my meals for the next 3 days, for work hopefully that will help me create better habits.

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